This page is just an easy place for you to get tabs, chord sheets and my instructional videos on how to play Kevin Gilbert´s music on acoustic guitar.
Most of the tabs etc are my versions for acoustic guitar. Some of the tabs are just the sketch or note I made on the song, to completed at a later date, but they may still be helpful. The videos don´t always show the whole song , but enough for you to put together how to play it.
I´ve referenced and included other peoples work where it´s been helpful. Often times KG would play two different tunings on a song , making it quite difficult to play a ´pure´version. But I´ve tried to keep everything as straightforward as possible.
Feel free to email me ( ) with comments, feedback, corrections, or requests and I´ll do my best to oblige.
This page will be updated with tabs and videos, so check back now and then ...
Big Thanks to Youtube, Chris Slooter, Peder Hedlund, Debbie Miller, Maddie Sojourner and Michael Schugardt and Alex Jordan for their help and kindness.
( I will update this soon, based on some new video recordings ),
THE SULTAN OF BRUNAI ( infomercial),
( corrected Feb 2010 ) ,
THE BALLAD OF JENNY LEDGE ( ala Live at the Troubador transcribed by Alex Jordan - pdf )
Click here to visit my YouTube playlist of Kevin Gilbert Lessons here to visit my YouTube
Here´s a link to Peder Hedlunds Great Kevin Gilbert Transcriptions.
There are some great tabs to be found there !